Science & Engineering Practices

🚧 Caution: This website is no longer being maintained after June, 2024. 

Images from San Diego County Office of Education


A variety of rubric types including checklists, learning scales, or single-point rubrics. 

This collection includes 4-point scales for each of the practices. 

Ready-To-Use SEP Graphic Organizers

See them ALL in Google Drawing and PDF format at the Bozeman Science website: 

Here are a few favorites... 

SEP All-In-One "Cheat Sheet"

Teacher Question Prompts, Student Actions, and Graphic Organizers
Designed by Brent Enerva
Science & Engineering Practices Reference


Writing a scientific explanation

Asking Questions:

Science Notebooking:

Obtaining, Evaluating, & Communicating Information

Integrating Literacy Strategies into Science Instruction - Classroom videos from the American Museum of Natural History:

Paraphrasing while reading, to check whether you understand the text

Summarizing scientific text, the next step beyond paraphrasing

Interactive read alouds, with turn-and-talk for making meaning of text

Interactive reading guides, an "Evidence Thinking Tool," and leveraging partner talk

Vocabulary instruction with reading, phenomena first, and constructing definitions