Subject Area Resources





Earth & Space

Quality NGSS Units:

Based upon reviews by NextGenScience (formerly Achieve) which evaluates free units and lessons, and EdReports
Biology Framework four-course.pdf

Supplementary Bio Resources: 

These popular websites are frequently used by Biology teachers!

HHMI BioInteractive 🦎 Data points, videos, scientists, phenomena, interactives

Crash Course Biology Videos

Wild Hope Videos - Side-by-side map layers include forests, vegetation, CO2, and more

Gizmos Simulations for Biology (GUHSD science teachers have access to premium accounts)

CK-12 Biology Flexbook

Chemistry Framework four-course.pdf

Supplementary Chem Resources

These popular websites are frequently used by Chem teachers!

Chemistry in the Earth System

Note: Integrating Earth Science into Chemistry is necessary when students do not typically take Earth & Space Science. This is likely to include Honors Chemistry courses, as well as schools that do not offer Earth & Space Science. 
*Note: Integrating Earth Science into Chemistry is a goal for GUHSD Chemistry Honors courses

Physics of the Universe

Note: Integrating Earth Science into Physics is necessary when students do not typically take Earth & Space Science. This is likely to include Honors Physics courses, as well as schools that do not offer Earth & Space Science. 
Physics Framework four-course.pdf

Supplementary Physics Resources

These popular websites are frequently used by Physics teachers!
Space and Earth Framework four-course.pdf

NGSS Storyline Units: Space & Earth

From sources that have been highly rated by NextGenScience and EdReports. 

Supplementary Space & Earth Science Resources

These popular websites are frequently used by Space & Earth teachers!